Celebrations by Phillip
Phillip believes that your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life – and he works hard to ensure that it is one of the most memorable, too. When Phillip meets with couples to prepare for their ceremony, the subject of what vows to use is often brought up. Couples will tell him that the “standard ceremony” vows are fine, but Phillip provides the option of adding a more personal touch. Together, Phillip and the bride and groom write up unique vows that are personal to you, the couple.
Holidays are New Year’s Day and Eve, Valentines, Easter (all of Holy week from Palm Sunday to Easter), Mother’s day, Memorial Day, Father’s day, July 4, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day and Eve. These days require an increased pricing. This is time away from family.

Phillip believes that your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life – and he works hard to ensure that it is one of the most memorable, too. When Phillip meets with couples to prepare for their ceremony, the subject of what vows to use is often brought up. Couples will tell him that the “standard ceremony” vows are fine, but Phillip provides the option of adding a more personal touch. Together, Phillip and the bride and groom write up unique vows that are personal to you, the couple.
The ceremony includes:
- Initial phone call
- Sitting with the couple and discussing the ceremony, travel normally happens here and if within an hour of Austin meet halfway
- Writing of ceremony
- Contact throughout the process and follow up
- Officiating the ceremony
- Mailing of marriage license
The ceremony will take about 10 – 15 minutes depending on the vows. The time before the ceremony will take about 45 minutes to an hour. This is the planning time that happens before the ceremony will take place. During the planning time the couple and Phillip will sit down and discuss the vows, ceremony, and any extras that will take place. Phillip has ceremonies he will use as a template and go from there to custom write them to bring out the love the couple has for one another. The time he takes to write out your ceremony can take anywhere from 2-6 hours. Most of his work, about 95%, is done before the actual day of the ceremony.
Rehearsals take place the evening before or a few hours before the ceremony will take place. This is a time when all the wedding party is together for a rehearsal. This should only take an hour to do. This is when all the little details will be worked out – who will stand where, when to walk in, the ushers’ job, etc. This is the time to ask questions if there are any. This one step could help take many stresses out of the ceremony.